AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Computer Vision & Deep Learning, for Food.
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The most developed Artificial Intelligence algorithm for Food in the market. AI for Food in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning. An AI Food recognition who learns daily, unique, that ensures a competitive advantage over other products on the market, being today, the most worldwide AI food and dishes recognition, identifying, classifying, categorising and detailing them. Upload an image (try demo online) or take a picture with our own cell phone and receive in real time the result. It is the reference algorithm in AI for the food environment, 100% scalable and integrable into any software or digital development of companies and organisations.
All detailed information about what you eat, just a click.
We have no limit, integrate into your project and give an extra added value, boost your service!
Our LogMeal API integrated into an Automated self checkout, Smart Camera with access to our cloud-based LogMeal API, Self checkout system based on user identification, Image-based food recognition, Real-time statistics and long term statistics about consumption
Ultra-fast Food, Beverage and Raw food recognition.
Validated Food, Beverage and Raw Food Recognition.
Avoid expenses by automating the checkout process.
Keep track of consumption with real-time statistics.
Speed up the checkout process, increasing the client’s comfort.
Client – user friendly avoiding contact.
Add new dishes to recognise automatically.
Credit Cards. NFC, QR-Code, Facial Recognition.